Discipleship Mission

To equip the new believers with the basic principles of salvation
To lay for them a strong spiritual foundation for fruitfulness in their walk of salvation


To transform every new believer into a soldier of Christ, one who fully understands the doctrine of salvation

Mentor- ship Mission

To empower believers with the necessary skills and knowledge for effective leadership


To make every believer a leader in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ

Home Cell Meetings


To create a forum for bible discussion
To cultivate a culture of praying together as a church family
To create a forum for socialization
Taking to the people the gospel to their homes and giving those who might not have attended the church service the opportunity to fellowship with others


To furnish every home with the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ

Ushering Mission

To help in advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ by supporting the ministers of the gospel; guiding the congregation and attending to the ministers for effective ministry


to create more time for soul winning